Class FeelingRobot


public class FeelingRobot
extends BouncingRobot
FeelingRobot is a BouncingRobot except that it uses sensors to detect the wall before actually hitting it. (Hopefully, this will protect the stepper from stress.)

Variable Index

 o back
 o front

Constructor Index

 o FeelingRobot(Stepper, Color, Sensor, Sensor)
FeelingRobot now also accepts Sensor objects for the whiskers and tail, which are the front and back sensors, respectively.

Method Index

 o act()
This overrides BouncingRobots act().


 o front
 protected Sensor front
 o back
 protected Sensor back


 o FeelingRobot
 public FeelingRobot(Stepper s,
                     Color c,
                     Sensor whiskers,
                     Sensor tail)
FeelingRobot now also accepts Sensor objects for the whiskers and tail, which are the front and back sensors, respectively.


 o act
 public void act()
This overrides BouncingRobots act(). Here, right before we try to move, we check the sensors and adjust the direction accordingly if the sensors sense anything.

act in class BouncingRobot