You will have 75 minutes for the exam.
You may bring one sheet of 8.5"x11" paper containing handwritten notes to the exam. You must write out your own paper, although you may work together with other students to decide what to put on the paper. You may use both sides of the paper.
This way, you can get full credit if you know which answer is correct (by crossing out all of the incorrect answers). You can also get partial credit if you are sure that one of the answers is incorrect, even if you don't know which other answer is the correct one.
The quiz is designed so that you should be able to cross-out about half of the choices quite easily, but may have a harder time choosing the right answer from among the remaining 2 or 3 choices. Therefore, if you are really having a hard time choosing between 2 answers, do not cross out either of them. You only have 2 points to gain by doing so, but you stand to lose 10 points if you make a mistake.
We will consider an answer to be crossed out if you have put an X through the letter at the beginning of the answer. When grading, we will only count crossed-out answers. Other marking schemes (e.g., encircling the correct answer, but not crossing-out the wrong ones) will not be considered. Please follow directions.
For example:
Question 0
What is the name of the instructor of this class?
Similarly, you might remember that Lt. Uhura only seems like an MIT type, so you could eliminate her name. You're up to 4 points now.
If you reach this point and are stumped, you can stop here. You would receive 4 points out of a possible 10.
If you're pretty sure that you can eliminate Anne Hunter, Course VI Goddess, because she wouldn't be caught dead this far away from building 38, you'd get another 2 points: 6/10.
And if you now decide that Stephanie Hong is an oft-seen face around the 6.096 lab, you could eliminate Barbara Liskov and Lynn Andrea Stein.
Unfortunately, this would get you another +2 for Barbara Liskov, whom you'll meet in 6.170, but a -10 for crossing out the name of the 6.096 professor, for a total of -2. It's a bad idea to eliminate a choice unless you're sure it's wrong.
This course is a part of Lynn
Andrea Stein's Rethinking
CS101 project at the MIT AI Lab
and the Department of Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology.