001    /*
002     * cs101 String utilities
003     * $Id: StringUtils.java,v 2002/06/05 21:56:32 root Exp $
004     *
005     * Developed for "Rethinking CS101", a project of Lynn Andrea Stein's AP Group.
006     * For more information, see <a href="http://www.ai.mit.edu/projects/cs101/">the
007     * CS101 homepage</a> or email <las@ai.mit.edu>.
008     *
009     * Copyright (C) 1996 Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
010     * Please do not redistribute without obtaining permission.
011     */
013    package cs101.util;
015    /**
016     * cs101.util.StringUtils implements some string utility functions.
017     * It is intended as a library class, i.e., all methods are static.
018     * <br>
019     * Copyright 1996 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
020     *
021     * @author  Lynn Andrea Stein, las@ai.mit.edu
022     * @version $Id: StringUtils.java,v 2002/06/05 21:56:32 root Exp $
023     *
024     */
025    public final class StringUtils {
026       /**
027        * A string containing the non-word characters a user might
028        * reasonably be expected to type at a semi-standard American
029        * keyboard.  Suitable for using as delimiters for
030        * java.util.StringTokenizer. 
031        * 
032        * @see    java.util.StringTokenizer
033        */
034        public static final String nonWordChars 
035                    = "!@#$%^&*()_-+=|`~<>,.?/:;\"\' \t\n\b\f\r{}[]\\";
037       /**
038        * Determines whether its argument is a word or a delimiter as
039        * defined by a java.util.StringTokenizer when initialized with
040        * StringUtils.nonWordChars as a delimiter string.
041        *
042        * @param    word      String to be tested for "wordness".
043        *
044        * @return  false if word is one of the delimiters in
045        *               StringUtils.nonWordChars, true otherwise.
046        *
047        * @see    java.util.StringTokenizer
048        * @see    #nonWordChars
049        * @see    java.lang.String
050        */
051        public static final boolean wordP (String word) {
052            return ( (! (word.length() == 1)) 
053                     || (StringUtils.nonWordChars.indexOf(word.charAt(0)) == -1 ));
054        }
056       /**
057        * Determines whether the first character of its argument word is
058        * upper case.
059        *
060        * @param    word      String to be checked for capitalization.
061        *
062        * @return  true if first character is upper case.
063        *
064        * @see    java.lang.Character#isUpperCase
065        * @see    java.lang.String#charAt
066        */
067        public static final boolean capitalizedP (String word) {
068            return Character.isUpperCase(word.charAt(0));
069        }
072       /**
073        * Determines whether all of the characters in its argument word are
074        * upper case.
075        *
076        * @param    word      String to be checked for capitalization.
077        *
078        * @return  true if all characters are is upper case.
079        *
080        * @see    java.lang.Character#isLowerCase
081        * @see    java.lang.String#charAt
082        * @see    java.lang.String#length
083        */
084        public static final boolean allUpperCaseP (String word) {
085            for (int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++) {
086                if (Character.isLowerCase(word.charAt(i))) {
087                    return false;
088                }
089            }
090            return true;
091        }
093       /**
094        * Constructs a new string identical to its argument, but with the
095        * first character replaced by its upper case equivalent.
096        *
097        * @param    word      String to be capitalized.
098        *
099        * @return  the new, capitalized String.
100        *
101        * @see    java.lang.Character#toUpperCase
102        * @see    java.lang.StringBuffer
103        * @see    java.lang.String#charAt
104        * @see    java.lang.String#valueOf
105        */
106        public static final String capitalize (String word) {
107            if (word.length() == 1) {
108                return  ( String.valueOf(Character.toUpperCase(word.charAt(0))) );
109            } else {
110                return ( String.valueOf(Character.toUpperCase(word.charAt(0)))
111                         + word.substring(1) );
112            }
113        }
115       /**
116        * Constructs a new string identical to its argument, but with all
117        * characters replaced by their upper case equivalents.
118        *
119        * @param    word      String to be uppercased.
120        *
121        * @return  the new, uppercased String.
122        *
123        * @see    java.lang.Character#toUpperCase
124        * @see    java.lang.String#length
125        * @see    java.lang.String#charAt
126        * @see    java.lang.StringBuffer
127        */
128        public static final String capitalizeAll (String word) {
129            StringBuffer tmp = new StringBuffer (word.length());
131            for (int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++) {
132                tmp.insert (i, Character.toUpperCase(word.charAt (i)));
133            }
134            return tmp.toString();
135        }
137       /**
138        * Constructs a new string identical to its argument, but with the
139        * first character replaced by its lower case equivalent.
140        *
141        * @param    word      String to be unCapitalized.
142        *
143        * @return  the new, unCapitalized String.
144        *
145        * @see    java.lang.Character#toLowerCase
146        * @see    java.lang.String#length
147        * @see    java.lang.String#charAt
148        * @see    java.lang.String#valueOf
149        */
150        public static final String unCapitalize (String word) {
151            if (word.length() == 1) {
152                return  ( String.valueOf(Character.toLowerCase(word.charAt(0))) );
153            } else {
154                return ( String.valueOf(Character.toLowerCase(word.charAt(0)))
155                         + word.substring(1) );
156            }
157        }
159       /**
160        * Computes the index of the first position in String which
161        * contains a vowel (i.e., one of AEIOU).
162        *
163        * @param    word      String to be searched for vowel.
164        *
165        * @return  index of first vowel, length of word if no vowel.
166        *
167        * @see    java.lang.String#length
168        * @see    java.lang.String#charAt
169        */
170        public static final int firstVowelPos ( String word ) {
171            int i = 0, length = word.length();
173          LETTER:
174            for(i = 0; i < length; i++) {
175                switch(word.charAt(i)) {
176                    case 'a':   case 'A':
177                    case 'e':   case 'E':
178                    case 'i':   case 'I':
179                    case 'o':   case 'O':
180                    case 'u':   case 'U': break LETTER;
181                    default:
182                }
183            }
184            if (i == length) {
185                return 0;
186            } else {
187                return i;
188            }
190        }
192      /**
193       * Prevent instantiation
194       */
195      private StringUtils() {}
196    }
198    /* Comments:
199     *
200     * History:
201     *     $Log: StringUtils.java,v $
202     *     Revision  2002/06/05 21:56:32  root
203     *     CS101 comes to Olin finally.
204     *
205     *     Revision 1.3  1998/07/24 17:19:35  tparnell
206     *     Placate new javadoc behavior
207     *
208     *     Revision 1.2  1998/07/21 19:44:07  tparnell
209     *     added private StringUtils()
210     *
211     *     Revision 1.1  1998/03/13 22:18:23  tparnell
212     *     Import from server crash.  I think the src and class files match up.
213     *
214     *     Revision 1.4  1996/08/01 18:26:33  reuben
215     *     More javadoc tweaking (hopefully the final pass)
216     *
217     *     Revision 1.3  1996/08/01 16:23:30  reuben
218     *     Fixed javadoc problem.
219     *
220     *     Revision 1.2  1996/07/30 17:26:01  reuben
221     *     Added/corrected javadoc comments.
222     *
223     *     Revision  1996/07/18 17:38:24  sit
224     *     Import from /mit/6.096/share/classes after 6.80s session
225     *
226     *     Revision 1.3  1996/06/19 23:04:57  las
227     *     Cleanerer.
228     *
229     *     Revision 1.2  1996/06/19 22:48:05  las
230     *     Cleaned up documentation.
231     *
232     *     6-19-96  Documentation cleaned up by las@ai.mit.edu 
233     *     6-18-96  Created by las@ai.mit.edu 
234     *
235     *
236     */