001    package breakout;
003    import java.awt.*;
004    import java.awt.event.*;
006    /** A basic implementation of the Paddle interface.  **/
007    public class BasicPaddle implements Paddle, MouseMotionListener {
008        /** The size of this BasicPaddle. **/
009        protected Dimension size;
010        /** The location of this BasicPaddle. **/
011        protected Point location;
013        /** The Board containing this BasicPaddle **/
014        protected Board board;
016        /** Leftmost point able to be occupied by this BasicPaddle. **/
017        protected final int westmost;
018        /** Rightmost point able to be occupied by this BasicPaddle. **/
019        protected final int eastmost;
021        /** Creates a BasicPaddle of a default size and location, belonging to a specified Board. 
022          * @param b the Board object of which this BasicPaddle is a member. 
023        **/
024        public BasicPaddle(Board b) {
025            this.board = b;
026            this.size = new Dimension(60,10);
027            this.location = new Point(b.getLowerLeft(true).x + b.getWidth(true)/2 - this.size.width/2,
028                                      b.getLowerLeft(true).y - this.size.height);
029            this.westmost = b.getLowerLeft(false).x;
030            this.eastmost = b.getLowerRight(false).x - this.size.width;
032            b.getBoardPanel().addMouseMotionListener(this);
033        }
035        /** Inactive.  BasicPaddle manages its own location. **/
036        public void setLocation(Point p) {}
037        /** Gets the current location of this BasicPaddle.
038          * @return a new Point object representing the current location of this BasicPaddle.
039        **/
040        public Point getLocation() {
041            return new Point(this.location.x, this.location.y); 
042        }
044        /** Gets the size of this BasicPaddle.
045          * @return a new Dimension object representing the size of this BasicPaddle.
046        **/
047        public Dimension getSize() { 
048            return new Dimension(this.size.width, this.size.height); 
049        }
051        /** Called by World every tick; does nothing. **/
052        public void update() {}
054        /** Called by a Rebounding BreakoutComponent when it has detected an intersection
055          *  with this BasicPaddle.
056          * @param bc the Rebounding/BreakoutComponent object that detected the hit.
057          * @return <code>false</code> -- a BasicPaddle doesn't die when hit.
058        **/
059        public boolean hit(BreakoutComponent bc) { 
060            return false; 
061        }
063        /** Gets the java.awt.Shape of this BasicPaddle.
064          * @return a new Shape label at the same location and of the same size/shape as this BasicPaddle.
065        **/
066        public Shape getShape() { 
067            return new Rectangle(this.location, this.size); 
068        }
070        /** Paints the BasicPaddle.
071          * @param g Graphics object for this BasicPaddle's coordinate frame(ie, already located where we are).
072        **/
073        public void paint(Graphics g) {
074            g.setColor(Color.darkGray);
075            g.fillRect(0,0,this.size.width,this.size.height);
076        }
078        /** (unused) **/
079        public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent me) {}
080        /** Listens to mouse movements, and sets the x-coordinate of the BasicPaddle accordingly.
081          * Keeps the BasicPaddle between <code>this.westmost</code> and <code>this.eastmost</code>.
082        **/
083        public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent me) {
084            if(me.getX() > this.westmost && me.getX() < this.eastmost) {
085                this.location.setLocation(me.getX(), this.location.y);
086            }
087        }
088    }