Calculator Problem Set Javadocs


Animate - interface cs101.lang.Animate.
AnimateObject - class cs101.util.AnimateObject.
The generic self-animating (active) object.
AnimateObject() - Constructor for class cs101.util.AnimateObject
The most basic constructor creates the AnimateObject and starts its animacy going.
AnimateObject(boolean) - Constructor for class cs101.util.AnimateObject
This constructor allows you to create an AnimateObject without starting its animacy going.
AnimatorThread - class cs101.lang.AnimatorThread.
This class replaces Thread as a way to animate autonomous objects.
AnimatorThread(Animate) - Constructor for class cs101.lang.AnimatorThread
This constructor requires the Animate that is to be animated.
AnimatorThread(Animate, boolean) - Constructor for class cs101.lang.AnimatorThread
This constructor requires the Animate that is to be animated and a boolean value (expected to be one of AnimatorThread.START_IMMEDIATELY or AnimatorThread.DONT_START_YET) that determines whether this AnimatorThread should start running as the last step of its construction.
AnimatorThread(Animate, long) - Constructor for class cs101.lang.AnimatorThread
This constructor requires the Animate that is to be animated and a long representing the desired variance in sleep times between calls to the Animate's act() method.
AnimatorThread(Animate, boolean, long) - Constructor for class cs101.lang.AnimatorThread
This constructor requires the Animate that is to be animated, a boolean reflecting whether execution should begin immediately, and a long representing the desired variance in sleep times between calls to the Animate's act() method.
AnimatorThread(Animate, long, long) - Constructor for class cs101.lang.AnimatorThread
This constructor requires the Animate that is to be animated and two longs representing the desired variance in sleep times and the desired minimum sleep interval between calls to the Animate's act() method.
AnimatorThread(Animate, boolean, long, long) - Constructor for class cs101.lang.AnimatorThread
This constructor requires the Animate that is to be animated, a boolean reflecting whether execution should begin immediately, and two longs representing the desired variance in sleep times and the desired minimum sleep interval between calls to the Animate's act() method.
act() - Method in interface cs101.lang.Animate
act() - Method in class cs101.util.AnimateObject
Override this method to give the AnimateObject behavior.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class calculator.CalculatorGUI
Handle button pushes by making them available to getButton.
addInputConnection(InputConnection) - Method in interface
addNotify() - Method in class cs101.awt.DisplayField
Calls super.addNotify.
addOutputConnection(OutputConnection) - Method in interface
allUpperCaseP(String) - Static method in class cs101.util.StringUtils
Determines whether all of the characters in its argument word are upper case.
angleToVert(Line2D.Float) - Static method in class cs101.awt.geom.ShapeUtils
Find the angle between a given line segment and the vertical axis in direction that roataes the positive x axis towards positive y axis
answers - Variable in class cs101.awt.ClientDialog
answers - Variable in class cs101.awt.ServerDialog
ask() - Method in class cs101.awt.ClientDialog
Actually display the query dialog and get the answers from the user.
ask() - Method in class cs101.awt.QueryDialog
Display the dialog box, and block until the OK button is checked.
ask() - Method in class cs101.awt.ServerDialog
Actually display the query dialog and get the answers from the user.


BACK - Static variable in interface cs101.util.queue.Queue
BS - class cs101.util.semaphore.BS.
This class implements simple binary semaphores in java.
BS(boolean) - Constructor for class cs101.util.semaphore.BS
If the constructor is passed a boolean value, the semaphore will be initialized with this value (true => in use, false => free).
BS() - Constructor for class cs101.util.semaphore.BS
If no argument is supplied, the semaphore is created in its free state.
BabySitter - class
This object handles the io between the server and one client.
BabySitter(Socket, Server) - Constructor for class
Creates a BabySitter to handle communication with a client.
ButtonLabels - Static variable in interface calculator.Calculator
An array for the button's labels to deal with dispatch cleanly.
babySitters - Variable in class
list of BabySitters to handle each client connection
bounce(Line2D.Float, Line2D.Float) - Static method in class cs101.awt.geom.ShapeUtils
Compute a velocity vector after a bounce off a given surface.


CLEAR - Static variable in interface calculator.Calculator
Calculator clear button.
Calculator - interface calculator.Calculator.
This is the interface for a basic four-function calculator, as seen from the perspective of its logic.
CalculatorGUI - class calculator.CalculatorGUI.
This is an implementation of the GUI for a basic four-function calculator.
CalculatorGUI() - Constructor for class calculator.CalculatorGUI
Initialize components and such at runtime.
Client - class
A reasonably vanilla network client.
Client(String, int, StringHandler) - Constructor for class
Creates an autonomous client.
Client(String, int) - Constructor for class
Creates an autonomous client.
Client(StringHandler) - Constructor for class
Creates an autonomous client.
Client() - Constructor for class
Creates an autonomous client.
ClientDialog - class cs101.awt.ClientDialog.
Manages a top level query dialog box to get hostName and port connection information.
ClientDialog() - Constructor for class cs101.awt.ClientDialog
Creates the dialog information.
ClientWire - class
Networked Wire, Client Side.
ClientWire(String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class
How to make one, if we know who we want to talk to.
ClientWire(String, int) - Constructor for class
How to make one, if we know who we want to talk to.
ClientWire() - Constructor for class
How to make one, if we don't know who we want to talk to.
Coerce - class cs101.util.Coerce.
Coerce implements some coercion utilities for a variety of java classes.
ColorField - class cs101.awt.ColorField.
cs101.awt.ColorField provides a colored rectangle that operates as an awt.component.
ColorField() - Constructor for class cs101.awt.ColorField
Constructs a rectangular color field with default values for all attibutes.
ColorField(boolean, Dimension, Color, Color) - Constructor for class cs101.awt.ColorField
Constructs a rectangular colorfield with the passed attributes.
ConnectionRejectedException - exception
ConnectionRejectedException() - Constructor for class
ConnectionRejectedException(String) - Constructor for class
Connector - interface
Console - class cs101.awt.Console.
A graphical helper class for Java Console IO.
Console() - Constructor for class cs101.awt.Console
Create and display a new Console.
Console - class
A helper class for Java Console IO.
CreationException - exception cs101.util.CreationException.
CreationExceptions are thrown by Coerce.StringToClass.
CreationException() - Constructor for class cs101.util.CreationException
CreationException(String) - Constructor for class cs101.util.CreationException
c - Variable in class cs101.awt.DefaultFrame
The Component to display.
c - Variable in class cs101.awt.DefaultGameFrame
The Component (view) to display.
calculator - package calculator
capitalize(String) - Static method in class cs101.util.StringUtils
Constructs a new string identical to its argument, but with the first character replaced by its upper case equivalent.
capitalizeAll(String) - Static method in class cs101.util.StringUtils
Constructs a new string identical to its argument, but with all characters replaced by their upper case equivalents.
capitalizedP(String) - Static method in class cs101.util.StringUtils
Determines whether the first character of its argument word is upper case.
changeState(boolean) - Method in class cs101.awt.ColorField
Changes the state of the color field to the value passed in.
client - Variable in class
Communicates with the network.
connectTo(String, int) - Method in class
Opens a connection to a server presumed to be listening on hostName, port.
connectTo(String, int) - Method in class
Opens a connection to a server presumed to be listening on hostName, port.
connectTo(int) - Method in class
Opens a connection to a server presumed to be listening on hostName, port.
createIntermediateCurve(Point2D.Float, float[]) - Static method in class cs101.awt.geom.ShapeUtils
Mutate the supplied array of float to contain an additional knot and modify the associated control points.
createIntermediateLine(Point2D.Float, float[]) - Static method in class cs101.awt.geom.ShapeUtils
Mutate the suppled array of float to contain an additional knot.
createIntermediateQuad(Point2D.Float, float[]) - Static method in class cs101.awt.geom.ShapeUtils
Mutate the suppled array of float to contain an additional knot and modify the associated control points.
cs101.awt - package cs101.awt
cs101.awt.geom - package cs101.awt.geom - package - package
cs101.lang - package cs101.lang - package
cs101.util - package cs101.util
cs101.util.gamecontrol - package cs101.util.gamecontrol
cs101.util.queue - package cs101.util.queue
cs101.util.semaphore - package cs101.util.semaphore
cs101.xml - package cs101.xml


DEFAULT_COLOR - Static variable in class cs101.awt.Line
This specifies the default color for a line.
DONT_START_YET - Static variable in class cs101.lang.AnimatorThread
These constants allow mnemonic access to AnimateObject's final constructor argument, i.e., should the object start running on construction or on (a subsequent) call to a separate start() method?
DONT_START_YET - Static variable in class cs101.util.AnimateObject
These constants allow mnemonic access to AnimateObject's final constructor argument, i.e., should the object start running on construction or on (a subsequent) call to a separate start() method?
DOT - Static variable in interface calculator.Calculator
Calculator decimal point.
DefaultFrame - class cs101.awt.DefaultFrame.
Simple top level that deals with one component and sizing.
DefaultFrame(Component) - Constructor for class cs101.awt.DefaultFrame
Creates a new frame surrounding the supplied component.
DefaultFrame(Component, int, int) - Constructor for class cs101.awt.DefaultFrame
Creates a new frame of the specified size surrounding the supplied component.
DefaultFrame(Component, Dimension) - Constructor for class cs101.awt.DefaultFrame
Creates a new frame of the specified Dimension surrounding the supplied component.
DefaultGameFrame - class cs101.awt.DefaultGameFrame.
Simple top level Frame that deals with one component and sizing.
DefaultGameFrame(GameControllable) - Constructor for class cs101.awt.DefaultGameFrame
Creates a new frame relying on the supplied GameControllable to provide its behavior.
DefaultGameFrame(GameControllable, Component) - Constructor for class cs101.awt.DefaultGameFrame
Creates a new frame surrounding the supplied component and relying on the GameControllable to provide its behavior.
DefaultGameFrame(GameControllable, Component, int, int) - Constructor for class cs101.awt.DefaultGameFrame
Creates a new frame of the specified size surrounding the supplied component and relying on the GameControllable to provide its behavior.
DefaultGameFrame(GameControllable, Component, Dimension) - Constructor for class cs101.awt.DefaultGameFrame
Creates a new frame of the specified size surrounding the supplied component and relying on the GameControllable to provide its behavior.
DefaultQueue - class cs101.util.queue.DefaultQueue.
Default Queue class.
DefaultQueue() - Constructor for class cs101.util.queue.DefaultQueue
Creates a new, empty Queue
DefaultQueue(Object) - Constructor for class cs101.util.queue.DefaultQueue
Creates a new Queue contining obj as the only element
DefaultReadLoop - class
A generic read loop for a client.
DefaultReadLoop(Client) - Constructor for class
A generic read loop for client.
DefaultStringHandler - class cs101.util.DefaultStringHandler.
A default StringHandler.
DefaultStringHandler() - Constructor for class cs101.util.DefaultStringHandler
DisplayField - class cs101.awt.DisplayField.
cs101.awt.DisplayField extends cs101.util.ColorField to add a line of text to the colored rectangle.
DisplayField(String, boolean, Color, Color) - Constructor for class cs101.awt.DisplayField
Constructs a rectangular colorfield with the passed attributes.
deQ() - Method in interface cs101.util.queue.StringQueue
dequeue() - Method in class cs101.util.queue.DefaultQueue
Removes and returns the Object at the tail of the queue.
dequeue(int) - Method in class cs101.util.queue.DefaultQueue
Removes and returns the Object at the specified end of the queue.
dequeue() - Method in interface cs101.util.queue.Queue
Removes and returns the Object at the tail of the queue.
dequeue(int) - Method in interface cs101.util.queue.Queue
Removes and returns the Object at the specified end of the queue.
dim - Variable in class cs101.awt.ColorField
size of the field
display - Variable in class cs101.util.semaphore.GraphicalSemaphore
display panel for the semaphore
doReflect(Shape, Shape, double, double) - Static method in class cs101.awt.geom.ShapeUtils
Find the resultant velocity from the collision of a mobile and imobile shape.
doReflect(Shape, Shape, Line2D.Float) - Static method in class cs101.awt.geom.ShapeUtils
Find the resultant velocity from the collision of a mobile and imobile shape.
doXReflect(Shape, Shape, double, double) - Static method in class cs101.awt.geom.ShapeUtils
Find the new x velocity after reflecting a moving shape from a imobile shape.
doYReflect(Shape, Shape, double, double) - Static method in class cs101.awt.geom.ShapeUtils
Find the new x velocity after reflecting a moving shape from a imobile shape.
drawOn(Graphics) - Method in class cs101.awt.Line


EQUALS - Static variable in interface calculator.Calculator
Calculator = button.
ERROR - Static variable in class cs101.xml.SimpleErrorHandler
EmptyQueueException - exception cs101.util.queue.EmptyQueueException.
EmptyQueueExceptions are thrown when trying to extract data from an empty Queue.
EmptyQueueException() - Constructor for class cs101.util.queue.EmptyQueueException
EmptyQueueException(String) - Constructor for class cs101.util.queue.EmptyQueueException
elapsed() - Method in class cs101.util.StopWatch
elements() - Method in class cs101.util.queue.DefaultQueue
Returns an Enumeration of the Objects in the queue.
elements() - Method in interface cs101.util.queue.Queue
Returns an Enumeration of the Objects in the queue.
enQ(String) - Method in interface cs101.util.queue.StringQueue
enqueue(Object) - Method in class cs101.util.queue.DefaultQueue
Puts obj into the front the queue.
enqueue(Object, int) - Method in class cs101.util.queue.DefaultQueue
Puts obj into the specified end of the queue.
enqueue(Object) - Method in interface cs101.util.queue.Queue
Puts obj into the front the queue.
enqueue(Object, int) - Method in interface cs101.util.queue.Queue
Puts obj into the specified end of the queue.
error(SAXParseException) - Method in class cs101.xml.SimpleErrorHandler
extractLine(String) - Static method in class cs101.awt.Line
Given a String that was originally created by packLine, this function will return a reference to a new Line object that represents the original Line.


FATAL_ERROR - Static variable in class cs101.xml.SimpleErrorHandler
FRONT - Static variable in interface cs101.util.queue.Queue
falseColor - Variable in class cs101.awt.ColorField
color when state == false
fatalError(SAXParseException) - Method in class cs101.xml.SimpleErrorHandler
finalize() - Method in class
Closes the socket, stops the thread.
finalize() - Method in class
Closes the Socket and Streams.
finalize() - Method in class
Closes the Socket.
firstVowelPos(String) - Static method in class cs101.util.StringUtils
Computes the index of the first position in String which contains a vowel (i.e., one of AEIOU).


GBS - class cs101.util.semaphore.GBS.
Implements simple binary semaphores in java witha graphical display.
GBS(boolean, String) - Constructor for class cs101.util.semaphore.GBS
Constructs a binary semaphore with the intial value passed in.
GCS - class cs101.util.semaphore.GCS.
cs101.util.GCS implements a counting semaphore of arbitrary size in java.
GCS(int, int, String) - Constructor for class cs101.util.semaphore.GCS
Constructs a counting semaphore with the size and initial value passed in.
GameControllable - interface cs101.util.gamecontrol.GameControllable.
This interface defines the behavior for a game controller.
GraphicalSemaphore - class cs101.util.semaphore.GraphicalSemaphore.
cs101.util.GraphicalSemaphore is the abstract super class for both the GBS (Graphical Binary semaphore) and the GCS (Graphical Counting semaphore).
GraphicalSemaphore(String) - Constructor for class cs101.util.semaphore.GraphicalSemaphore
Creates some of the GUI objects needed by it's subclasses.
gc - Variable in class cs101.awt.DefaultGameFrame
The controls for this component.
getButton() - Method in interface calculator.Calculator
Get the next Button pressed.
getButton() - Method in class calculator.CalculatorGUI
Get the next Button pressed.
getButton() - Method in class cs101.util.semaphore.IntBuffer
An alternate (caluculator oriented) name for IntBuffer.getInt().
getContainedPoints(Shape, Shape) - Static method in class cs101.awt.geom.ShapeUtils
Get a list of the points belonging to one shape and contained within another.
getHost() - Method in class cs101.awt.NetworkSettingsDialog
returns the name of the host to connect to as a client.
getHostName() - Method in class cs101.awt.ClientDialog
Return the host machine name from the user.
getImprovedPath(GeneralPath, float) - Static method in class cs101.awt.geom.ShapeUtils
Used iteratively by getPrecisePath to acheive as specified precision.
getInputConnection() - Method in interface
getInt() - Method in class cs101.util.semaphore.IntBuffer
(Safely) Consumes the int held in the IntBuffer.
getLineFromNeighbors(Shape, Point2D.Float) - Static method in class cs101.awt.geom.ShapeUtils
Find the line between points on either side of a knot point on a given shape.
getMinimumSize() - Method in class cs101.awt.ColorField
Called by this object's container to determine the minimum space required by this object.
getMinimumSize() - Method in class cs101.awt.DisplayField
Called by this object's container to determine the minimum space required by this object.
getMinimumSize() - Method in class cs101.util.semaphore.GraphicalSemaphore
Determines the mininum size necessary for this component.
getMode() - Method in class cs101.awt.NetworkSettingsDialog
Returns the requested state of network connectivity
getNearestPoint(Shape, Point2D.Float) - Static method in class cs101.awt.geom.ShapeUtils
Find the knot point in the given shape that is closest to the specified point.
getNextWord() - Method in class cs101.util.semaphore.PNCBuffer
(Safely) Consumes the word held in the PNCBuffer.
getOutputConnection() - Method in interface
getPort() - Method in class cs101.awt.ClientDialog
Return the port number from the user.
getPort() - Method in class cs101.awt.NetworkSettingsDialog
returns the requested port.
getPort() - Method in class cs101.awt.ServerDialog
Return the port number from the user.
getPrecisePath(GeneralPath, float) - Static method in class cs101.awt.geom.ShapeUtils
Increase the precision of a given GeneralPath object.
getPreciseShape(Shape, float) - Static method in class cs101.awt.geom.ShapeUtils
Convert any AWT shape into a shape with a specified precision.
getPreferredSize() - Method in class cs101.awt.ColorField
Called by this object's container to determine the minimum space required by this object.
getPreferredSize() - Method in class cs101.awt.DefaultFrame
This method overrides Frame's default getPreferredSize() in case component doesn't specify its own preferences.
getPreferredSize() - Method in class cs101.awt.DefaultGameFrame
This method overrides Frame's default getPreferredSize() in case component doesn't specify its own preferences.
getPreferredSize() - Method in class cs101.awt.DisplayField
Called by this object's container to determine the minimum space required by this object.
getPreferredSize() - Method in class cs101.util.semaphore.GraphicalSemaphore
Determines the preferedSize necessary for this component.
getText() - Method in interface calculator.Calculator
Get the text currently displayed on the Calculator.
getText() - Method in class calculator.CalculatorGUI
Get the text currently displayed on the Calculator.
getValues() - Method in class cs101.awt.QueryDialog
Return the last entered values for the field.


handleString(String) - Method in class
This method is passed the String which has been read by the Client if no other StringHandler has been set.
handleString(String) - Method in class cs101.util.DefaultStringHandler
Just print the string to System.out.
handleString(String) - Method in interface cs101.util.StringHandler
hasNext() - Method in class cs101.awt.geom.PointIterator
Test to see if the entire shape has been processed.


Initializable - interface cs101.util.gamecontrol.Initializable.
Interface for an object with a init() method.
InputAcceptor - interface
InputConnection - interface
InstanceCounter - Static variable in class cs101.util.semaphore.GraphicalSemaphore
Number of instances created
IntBuffer - class cs101.util.semaphore.IntBuffer.
Implements a producer/consumer synchronized buffer.
IntBuffer() - Constructor for class cs101.util.semaphore.IntBuffer
init() - Method in class cs101.awt.DefaultFrame
Make the frame appear
init() - Method in class cs101.awt.DefaultGameFrame
Make the frame appear
init() - Method in interface cs101.util.gamecontrol.Initializable
isEmpty() - Method in class cs101.util.queue.DefaultQueue
Tests whether the queue is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in interface cs101.util.queue.Queue
Tests whether the queue is empty.
isEmptyQ() - Method in interface cs101.util.queue.StringQueue
isOverlapping(Shape, Shape) - Static method in class cs101.awt.geom.ShapeUtils
Test to see if two Shape objects overlap.
isStart(Point2D.Float) - Method in class cs101.awt.geom.PointIterator
Test to see if the supplied point is the same object as the current start point for the current path.


LAST - Static variable in interface calculator.Calculator
One more than the biggest button index.
Line - class cs101.awt.Line.
Implements a 4-coordinate (+ optional Color) line abstraction with its own drawing method.
Line(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class cs101.awt.Line
Construct a line, specifying all 4 coordinates and using the default color.
Line(int, int, int, int, Color) - Constructor for class cs101.awt.Line
Construct a line, specifying all 4 coordinates and a specific color.
label - Variable in class cs101.util.semaphore.GraphicalSemaphore
label for the semaphore
listenOn(int) - Method in class
Helper method to actually open the ServerSocket and intialize other state.
look() - Method in class cs101.util.StopWatch


MS_HOUR - Static variable in class cs101.util.StopWatch
MS_MIN - Static variable in class cs101.util.StopWatch
MS_SEC - Static variable in class cs101.util.StopWatch
Main - class calculator.Main.
This is a basic skeleton application which launches the necessary code for a four-function calculator.
Main() - Constructor for class calculator.Main
Main - class cs101.util.Main.
Main hides the public static void main( String[] argv ) construct from students by providing a command line interface.
MoreMath - class cs101.util.MoreMath.
cs101.util.MoreMath is an extension of the java.lang.Math library.
main(String[]) - Static method in class calculator.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class cs101.awt.NetworkSettingsDialog
Main method for visual layout inspection.
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class cs101.util.Main
meanContainedPoint(Shape, Shape) - Static method in class cs101.awt.geom.ShapeUtils
Calcualte the average of all points contained within one shape and belonging to another.
meanPoint(List) - Static method in class cs101.awt.geom.ShapeUtils
Find the mean location of a list of Point2D.Float.
midPoint(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class cs101.awt.geom.ShapeUtils
Find the midpoint of a specifed line segment.
myNumber - Variable in class cs101.util.semaphore.GraphicalSemaphore
my number in the InstanceCount(er)


NETWORK_CLIENT - Static variable in class cs101.awt.NetworkSettingsDialog
Run as a client
NETWORK_NONE - Static variable in class cs101.awt.NetworkSettingsDialog
Run in standalone mode
NETWORK_SERVER - Static variable in class cs101.awt.NetworkSettingsDialog
Run as a server
NO_OP - Static variable in interface calculator.Calculator
No operation in progress.
NetworkSettingsDialog - class cs101.awt.NetworkSettingsDialog.
A dialog box that will allow the user to select wether the program should run in standalone mode, client mode or server mode.
NetworkSettingsDialog(Frame, boolean) - Constructor for class cs101.awt.NetworkSettingsDialog
Creates new form NetworkSettingsDialog.
NoUniqueLineException - exception cs101.awt.geom.NoUniqueLineException.
This exception represents a condition where more than one line satisfies a condition, and this prevents the throwing method from generating a valid return value.
NoUniqueLineException() - Constructor for class cs101.awt.geom.NoUniqueLineException
Creates a new instance of NoUniqueLineException without detail message.
NoUniqueLineException(String) - Constructor for class cs101.awt.geom.NoUniqueLineException
Constructs an instance of NoUniqueLineException with the specified detail message.
NotEnoughPointsException - exception cs101.awt.geom.NotEnoughPointsException.
NotEnoughPointsException() - Constructor for class cs101.awt.geom.NotEnoughPointsException
Creates a new instance of NotEnoughPointsException without detail message.
NotEnoughPointsException(String) - Constructor for class cs101.awt.geom.NotEnoughPointsException
Constructs an instance of NotEnoughPointsException with the specified detail message.
nearestSegment(Shape, Point2D.Float) - Static method in class cs101.awt.geom.ShapeUtils
Find the line segment between two consecutive knot points of the given Shape that is closest to a specified point.
newInstanceByClassname(String) - Static method in class cs101.util.Coerce
Given a String representing the name of a class, returns an initilized instance of the corresponding class (as an object).
nextPoint() - Method in class cs101.awt.geom.PointIterator
Return the next point in the shape.
nonWordChars - Static variable in class cs101.util.StringUtils
A string containing the non-word characters a user might reasonably be expected to type at a semi-standard American keyboard.


OP_ADD - Static variable in interface calculator.Calculator
Calculator addition.
OP_DIV - Static variable in interface calculator.Calculator
Calculator division.
OP_MUL - Static variable in interface calculator.Calculator
Calculator multiplication.
OP_SUB - Static variable in interface calculator.Calculator
Calculator subtraction.
OutputAcceptor - interface
OutputConnection - interface
ois - Variable in class
Where to read from client
ois - Variable in class
Where to read data
oos - Variable in class
Where to write to client
oos - Variable in class
Where to write data


PNCBuffer - class cs101.util.semaphore.PNCBuffer.
cs101.util.PNCBuffer implements a producer/consumer synchronized buffer.
PNCBuffer() - Constructor for class cs101.util.semaphore.PNCBuffer
Pausable - interface cs101.util.gamecontrol.Pausable.
Interface for an object with pause() and unpause() methods.
PointIterator - class cs101.awt.geom.PointIterator.
This class provides a simple interface for listing all the knot points in an java.awt.Shape.
PointIterator(Shape) - Constructor for class cs101.awt.geom.PointIterator
Creates a PointIterator for the specified Shape.
packLine(Line) - Static method in class cs101.awt.Line
This method converts a Line into a String.
paint(Graphics) - Method in class cs101.awt.ColorField
Draws the color field on the screen in it's current state
paint(Graphics) - Method in class cs101.awt.DisplayField
Calls the ColorField.paint to do the field.
pause() - Method in interface cs101.util.gamecontrol.Pausable
peek() - Method in class cs101.util.queue.DefaultQueue
Gets the tail object from the queue without removing it.
peek(int) - Method in class cs101.util.queue.DefaultQueue
Gets the object from the specified end of the queue without removing it.
peek() - Method in interface cs101.util.queue.Queue
Gets the tail object from the queue without removing it.
peek(int) - Method in interface cs101.util.queue.Queue
Gets the object from the specified end of the queue without removing it.
print(String) - Method in class cs101.awt.Console
Write a line to Console.
print(String) - Static method in class
Write a line to Console.
println(String) - Method in class cs101.awt.Console
Write a String to Console.
println(String) - Static method in class
Write a line to Console.
println() - Static method in class
Write a blank line to Console.
processWindowEvent(WindowEvent) - Method in class calculator.CalculatorGUI
Handle WINDOW_CLOSING event, i.e., cleanly kill this application.
putButton(int) - Method in class cs101.util.semaphore.IntBuffer
An alternate (calculator oriented) name for IntBuffer.putInt(int).
putInt(int) - Method in class cs101.util.semaphore.IntBuffer
(Safely) Puts an int into the IntBuffer.
putWord(String) - Method in class cs101.util.semaphore.PNCBuffer
(Safely) Puts a word into the PNCBuffer.


QueryDialog - class cs101.awt.QueryDialog.
A class to display a toplevel dialog box with a message, a list of "things" and associated textfields, and get answers.
QueryDialog(String, String[], String[]) - Constructor for class cs101.awt.QueryDialog
Create a hidden QueryDialog with the appropriate text and defaults.
QueryDialog(String, String[]) - Constructor for class cs101.awt.QueryDialog
Create a hidden QueryDialog with the appropriate text.
Queue - interface cs101.util.queue.Queue.
Generic Queue Interface.
qd - Variable in class cs101.awt.ClientDialog
qd - Variable in class cs101.awt.ServerDialog
questions - Variable in class cs101.awt.ClientDialog
questions - Variable in class cs101.awt.ServerDialog


Resettable - interface cs101.util.gamecontrol.Resettable.
Interface for an object with a reset() method.
RunServer - class
Runs a server application that broadcasts incoming information to all connected clients (except source of information).
randomInt(int) - Static method in class cs101.util.MoreMath
Generate a random int between 0 and range.
readInput() - Method in interface
readObject() - Method in class
Use this to read an Object from the Wire.
readObject() - Method in class
Use this to read an Object from the Wire.
readObject() - Method in interface
Read the next object.
readln() - Method in class cs101.awt.Console
Read a line from Console.
readln() - Static method in class
Read a line from Console.
release() - Method in class cs101.util.semaphore.BS
Releases the semaphore.
release() - Method in class cs101.util.semaphore.GBS
Releases the semaphore.
release() - Method in class cs101.util.semaphore.GCS
Releases a lock of the semaphore (if any are currently busy).
release() - Method in class cs101.util.semaphore.GraphicalSemaphore
abstract - must be overidden in subclass
removeBabySitter(BabySitter) - Method in class
Removes a BabySitter for the list of babySitters.
request() - Method in class cs101.util.semaphore.BS
Requests the semaphore.
request() - Method in class cs101.util.semaphore.GBS
Requests the semaphore.
request() - Method in class cs101.util.semaphore.GCS
Requests the semaphore.
request() - Method in class cs101.util.semaphore.GraphicalSemaphore
abstract - must be overidden in subclass
reset() - Method in class cs101.util.StopWatch
Reset the stopwatch.
reset() - Method in interface cs101.util.gamecontrol.Resettable
resumeExecution() - Method in class cs101.lang.AnimatorThread
Resumes execution after a temporary suspension (using suspendExecution()).
run() - Method in class cs101.lang.AnimatorThread
Repeatedly invoke your Animate's act() method, sleeping between invocations.
run() - Method in class
Recieves new info from clients.
run() - Method in class
Reads Strings from the server connection.
run() - Method in class
Called by this object's thread.
run() - Method in class
Wait loop to service the ServerSocket.


START_IMMEDIATELY - Static variable in class cs101.lang.AnimatorThread
These constants allow mnemonic access to AnimateObject's final constructor argument, i.e., should the object start running on construction or on (a subsequent) call to a separate start() method?
START_IMMEDIATELY - Static variable in class cs101.util.AnimateObject
These constants allow mnemonic access to AnimateObject's final constructor argument, i.e., should the object start running on construction or on (a subsequent) call to a separate start() method?
Server - class
Generic Server class: broadcasts whatever messages it receives to all clients other than the message's originator.
Server() - Constructor for class
Creates a server socket.
Server(int) - Constructor for class
Creates a server socket.
ServerDialog - class cs101.awt.ServerDialog.
Manages a top level query dialog box to get port connection information.
ServerDialog() - Constructor for class cs101.awt.ServerDialog
Creates the dialog information.
ServerWire - class
Networked Wire, Server Side.
ServerWire(int, boolean) - Constructor for class
How to make one, if we know the port.
ServerWire(int) - Constructor for class
How to make one, if we know the port.
ServerWire() - Constructor for class
How to make one, if we don't know who we want to talk to.
ShapeUtils - class cs101.awt.geom.ShapeUtils.
This utility class holds routines for doing conversions on classes that implement the Shape interface.
ShapesDontOverlapException - exception cs101.awt.geom.ShapesDontOverlapException.
ShapesDontOverlapException() - Constructor for class cs101.awt.geom.ShapesDontOverlapException
Creates a new instance of ShapesDontOverlapException without detail message.
ShapesDontOverlapException(String) - Constructor for class cs101.awt.geom.ShapesDontOverlapException
Constructs an instance of ShapesDontOverlapException with the specified detail message.
SimpleErrorHandler - class cs101.xml.SimpleErrorHandler.
A blindingly simple and completely unforgiving xml ErrorHandler.
SimpleErrorHandler() - Constructor for class cs101.xml.SimpleErrorHandler
Creates a new instance of SimpleErrorHandler
Startable - interface cs101.util.gamecontrol.Startable.
Interface for an object with a start() method.
StopWatch - class cs101.util.StopWatch.
A stopwatch for timing the execution of code.
StopWatch() - Constructor for class cs101.util.StopWatch
Creates a new instance of StopWatch.
Stoppable - interface cs101.util.gamecontrol.Stoppable.
Interface for an object with a stop() method.
StringHandler - interface cs101.util.StringHandler.
An interface for objects that can handle Strings received from the network by
StringQueue - interface cs101.util.queue.StringQueue.
StringUtils - class cs101.util.StringUtils.
cs101.util.StringUtils implements some string utility functions.
send(String) - Method in class
Sends a String to the client.
send(String) - Method in class
Use this method to send a String to the server.
sendToAllExcept(String, BabySitter) - Method in class
Sends the string passed in to all clients accept the one represented by the BabySitter passed in.
server - Variable in class
Server this client is connected to
setSleepMinInterval(long) - Method in class cs101.lang.AnimatorThread
Gives access to this AnimatorThread's sleep minimum.
setSleepRange(long) - Method in class cs101.lang.AnimatorThread
This controls the possible range of durations for AnimatorThread to sleep, i.e., the possible time between actions for the Animate that it animates.
setStringHandler(StringHandler) - Method in class
Override default string handling behavior by providing a new StringHandler.
setText(String) - Method in interface calculator.Calculator
Set the text currently displayed on the Calculator.
setText(String) - Method in class calculator.CalculatorGUI
Set the text currently displayed on the Calculator.
setText(String) - Method in class cs101.awt.DisplayField
Changes the text of the DisplayField to the string passed.
setValues(String[]) - Method in class cs101.awt.QueryDialog
setupGUI() - Method in class cs101.util.semaphore.GBS
Does all of the graphical setup on this level then calls the superclasses method to finish the setup.
setupGUI() - Method in class cs101.util.semaphore.GCS
Does all of the graphical setup on this level then calls the superclasses method to finish the setup.
setupGUI() - Method in class cs101.util.semaphore.GraphicalSemaphore
This method should be Called by the subclass after it's part of the gui setup is complete.
showStatus() - Method in class cs101.util.semaphore.GBS
Prints out the current state of the semaphore.
showStatus() - Method in class cs101.util.semaphore.GCS
Prints out the current state of the semaphore.
showStatus() - Method in class cs101.util.semaphore.GraphicalSemaphore
abstract - must be overidden in subclass
shutdown() - Method in class cs101.awt.DefaultGameFrame
Helper method for what to do when this window goes away....
sign(int) - Static method in class cs101.util.MoreMath
Returns 1 if the input is positive, -1 if it is negative, and 0 otherwise.
size() - Method in class cs101.util.queue.DefaultQueue
Returns the number of elements in this.
size() - Method in interface cs101.util.queue.Queue
Returns the number of elements in this.
sock - Variable in class
Client connection
sock - Variable in class
Net connection
sock - Variable in class
the server socket, i.e., the listener
spawnBabySitter(Socket) - Method in class
Creates a BabySitter with the client socket passed and adds it to the list of BabySitters.
spirit - Variable in class
Animacy that runs this object
spirit - Variable in class
Animates this object
spirit - Variable in class
Animates this object.
spirit - Variable in class
animating Thread
spirit - Variable in class cs101.util.AnimateObject
The animacy that makes this object go.
square(int) - Static method in class cs101.util.MoreMath
Returns the square of the input.
start() - Method in class cs101.lang.AnimatorThread
Begin execution.
start() - Method in class cs101.util.AnimateObject
Invocation of this method begins this object's autonomous execution.
start() - Method in class cs101.util.StopWatch
Start the stopwatch.
start() - Method in interface cs101.util.gamecontrol.Startable
startExecution() - Method in class cs101.lang.AnimatorThread
Begin execution.
state - Variable in class cs101.awt.ColorField
determines the color of the field
stop() - Method in class
Should only be called by Server.
stop() - Method in class cs101.util.StopWatch
Stop the stopwatch.
stop() - Method in interface cs101.util.gamecontrol.Stoppable
stopExecution() - Method in class cs101.lang.AnimatorThread
Terminates execution.
stringHandler - Variable in class
Handles input from net
stringToColor(String) - Static method in class cs101.util.Coerce
Given a string representing the name of one of java's built-in colors, returns the corresponding Color object.
stringToDouble(String) - Static method in class cs101.util.Coerce
Given a string representing a floating point number, returns the corresponding (unwrapped) double.
suspendExecution() - Method in class cs101.lang.AnimatorThread
Temporarily suspends execution.


text - Variable in class cs101.awt.DisplayField
the string to be displayed
toString() - Method in class cs101.util.queue.DefaultQueue
trueColor - Variable in class cs101.awt.ColorField
color when state == true


unCapitalize(String) - Static method in class cs101.util.StringUtils
Constructs a new string identical to its argument, but with the first character replaced by its lower case equivalent.
unpause() - Method in interface cs101.util.gamecontrol.Pausable


WARNING - Static variable in class cs101.xml.SimpleErrorHandler
Wire - interface
A generic interface for stream-like things that can read and write objects.
warning(SAXParseException) - Method in class cs101.xml.SimpleErrorHandler
wordP(String) - Static method in class cs101.util.StringUtils
Determines whether its argument is a word or a delimiter as defined by a java.util.StringTokenizer when initialized with StringUtils.nonWordChars as a delimiter string.
writeObject(Object) - Method in class
Use this method to write an Object to the Wire.
writeObject(Object) - Method in class
Use this method to write an Object to the Wire.
writeObject(Object) - Method in interface
Write an object.
writeOutput(String) - Method in interface

Calculator Problem Set Javadocs