Nodenet Problem Set Javadocs

Interface NodeNameRegistrar

All Superinterfaces:
java.util.EventListener, java.beans.VetoableChangeListener
All Known Implementing Classes:
NodeNameRegistry, UniqueNodeNamePolicy

public interface NodeNameRegistrar
extends java.beans.VetoableChangeListener

A Registrar is an object that can track and validate the names of nodes. A registrar can also provide a legal name for a node. Current Node Names can be both registered and unregistered so that names can be reused if nodes are deleted. The * registrar may also provide access to a listing of registered names, and access to a node via it's name, but implementations may choose to throw an UnsupportedOperationException instead of providing these facilities.

Implicit in the design of this interface is the assumed existance of a public String getNodeName() and a public void setNodeName(String) or similar method on Node objects.

$Id:,v 1.5 2004/01/14 21:43:17 gus Exp $
Patrick G, Heck,

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getLegalName()
          Provides a name that is currently legal.
 Node getNode(java.lang.String aName)
          Provides access to nodes via their registred name.
 java.lang.String[] getRegisteredNames()
          Provides a list of currently registered node names.
 boolean isLegalName(java.lang.String aName)
          Tests a name to see if it is currently legal.
 boolean isRegistered(Node aNode)
          Tests to see if a node has been registered.
 boolean isRegistered(java.lang.String aName)
          Tests to see if a name belongs to a registered node.
 void nameAndRegister(Node aNode)
          Gives the node a legal name and registers the node in one step.
 void register(Node aNode)
          Attempt to register a node.
 void unregister(Node aNode)
          Ensures that the specified node is nolonger registered.
Methods inherited from interface java.beans.VetoableChangeListener

Method Detail


public boolean isLegalName(java.lang.String aName)
Tests a name to see if it is currently legal. The legality of the name is not guaranteed to remain invariant for all time. This is particularly true if the policy implemented by the Registrar requires names to be unique.

aName - The node name to be tested.
true if the name is legal, false otherwise.


public java.lang.String getLegalName()
Provides a name that is currently legal. The legality of the name is not guaranteed to remain legal for all time. This is particularly true if the policy implemented by the Registrar requires names to be unique. The implementation of this method should make a reasonable attempt not to give out names that will become illegal quickly, either due to temporal relevance of the name, or due to copetition between names given out to the clients. For example, this method should not give out the same node name on consecutive invocations if uniqueness is a qualification for legality.

A name that is currently legal, and should remain legal for a reasonable period of time, if possible.


public java.lang.String[] getRegisteredNames()
                                      throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
Provides a list of currently registered node names. This method is optional, but if it is not implemented it should throw an UnsupportedOperationException rather than returning a bogus list or null.

An array of node names currently in use.


public Node getNode(java.lang.String aName)
             throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
Provides access to nodes via their registred name. This method is optional, but if it is not implemented it should throw an UnsupportedOperationException rather than returning a bogus node or null.

aName - The name of the node to look for.
A reference to the node if found, null otherwise.


public void register(Node aNode)
              throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Attempt to register a node. This method proposes to register a node with an existing name. The node will be rejected if and only if it contains a name that would currently generate a false response from isLegalName(String). If the name contained in the node is rejected, The node is not registered or tracked in any way and an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.

aNode - The node that wishes to register itself.


public void unregister(Node aNode)
Ensures that the specified node is nolonger registered. If the node was never registred, it simply returns with no side effects.

aNode - the node to unregister


public boolean isRegistered(Node aNode)
Tests to see if a node has been registered.

aNode - The node to test
true if the node is registered false otherwise.


public boolean isRegistered(java.lang.String aName)
Tests to see if a name belongs to a registered node. For obvious reasons the results of this test are only valid while the client has a lock on the registry.

aName - The node name to test
true if the name is registered false otherwise.


public void nameAndRegister(Node aNode)
Gives the node a legal name and registers the node in one step. This method guarantees that the node will be registered, and no exceptions should be thrown. The node to be registered must expose a method with the signature setName(String).

Nodenet Problem Set Javadocs