Breakout Problem Set Javadocs

Package breakout

Interface Summary
Ball Interface that tells Board that a component is a ball.
BreakoutComponent Defines the contract for all BreakoutComponent objects.
Brick Interface to tell Board that a component is a Brick.
Paddle Interface to tell Board that this BreakoutComponent is a Paddle.
Rebounding Defines the contract for objects that rebound off of other objects.
Wall Defines the contract for objects that act as Walls in the game.

Class Summary
BasicBall Basic implementation of a Ball, with velocity arbitrarily picked at magnitude 3 and direction pi/3.
BasicBreakoutComponent Pretty much as basic a BreakoutComponent as you can get.
BasicBrick A basic implementation of the Brick interface.
BasicPaddle A basic implementation of the Paddle interface.
BasicWall Basic implementation of the Wall interface, with functionality for each of the four walls of a basic gameboard.
Board A class to manage lists of BreakoutComponents, provide simple autolayout functionality, and maintain information about the geometry of the gameboard.
BoardPanel Defines behavior for a JPanel built to display a Board.
BreakoutUI Manages the user interface for Breakout.
ConfettiBrick Subclasses BasicBrick to paint confetti on itself that changes every 20 ticks.
HitpointsBrick Example of Brick subclassing.
Loader Utility class for parsing a board file into a breakout.Board.
LoaderUI UI to request a boardfile and fetch a Board from Loader to give to the main UI.
LoaderUtils Utility class to help Loader process information in a boardfile.
Main Example main class(students have to write this one)
PurpleBrick Subclasses BasicBrick to be painted differently.
RoundBrick Subclasses BasicBrick to provide functionality for an oval-shaped brick.
World World controls Breakout's clock, and manages the different phases of calculation that occur during each unit of time.

Exception Summary
BadBoardFormatException BadBoardFormatException is thrown when a board file doesn't meet spec.

Breakout Problem Set Javadocs